31 research outputs found

    Elliptic genera from multi-centers

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    I show how elliptic genera for various Calabi-Yau threefolds may be understood from supergravity localization using the quantization of the phase space of certain multi-center configurations. I present a simple procedure that allows for the enumeration of all multi-center configurations contributing to the polar sector of the elliptic genera\textemdash explicitly verifying this in the cases of the quintic in P4\mathbb{P}^4, the sextic in WP(2,1,1,1,1)\mathbb{WP}_{(2,1,1,1,1)}, the octic in WP(4,1,1,1,1)\mathbb{WP}_{(4,1,1,1,1)} and the dectic in WP(5,2,1,1,1)\mathbb{WP}_{(5,2,1,1,1)}. With an input of the corresponding `single-center' indices (Donaldson-Thomas invariants), the polar terms have been known to determine the elliptic genera completely. I argue that this multi-center approach to the low-lying spectrum of the elliptic genera is a stepping stone towards an understanding of the exact microscopic states that contribute to supersymmetric single center black hole entropy in N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supergravity.Comment: 30+1 pages, Published Versio

    Soft graviton exchange and the information paradox

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    We show that there is a remarkable phase in quantum gravity where gravitational scattering amplitudes mediated by virtual gravitons can be calculated explicitly in effective field theory, when the impact parameter bb satisfies LPlbRSL_{Pl}\ll b \lesssim R_S, with RSR_S being the Schwarzschild radius. This phase captures collisions with energies satisfying sγMPl\sqrt{s}\gg \gamma M_{Pl} (with γMPl/MBH\gamma \sim M_{Pl}/M_{BH}) near the horizon. We call this the black hole eikonal phase, in contrast to its flat space analogue where collisions are trans-Planckian. Hawking's geometric optics approximation neglects gravitational interactions near the horizon, and results in thermal occupation numbers in the Bogoliubov coefficients. We show that these interactions are mediated by graviton exchange in 222 \rightarrow 2 scattering near the horizon, and explicitly calculate the S-matrix non-perturbatively in MPl/MBHM_{Pl}/M_{BH}. This involves a re-summation of infinitely many ladder diagrams near the horizon, all mediated by virtual soft gravitons. The S-matrix turns out to be a pure phase upon this re-summation and is agnostic of Planckian physics. Our calculation suggests that non-renormalisability of gravity is irrelevant for a resolution of the information problem, and is agnostic of any specific ultraviolet completion. In contrast to the flat space eikonal limit, the black hole eikonal phase captures collisions of extremely low energy near the horizon.Comment: 54 pages + Appendices; v3: typos corrected, references added; v4: corrected eqns 4.81 and 4.8

    Baby Universes born from the Void

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    We propose a novel construction of a third quantised baby universe Hilbert space HBU\mathcal{H}_{BU} for the quantum gravity path integral. In contrast to the original description of α\alpha-parameters, both the bulk and boundary microscopic parameters are fixed in our proposal. Wormholes and baby universes appear due to refined observables, of the boundary dual quantum field theories, that crucially involve the space of representations of the gauge group. Irreducible representations, on which the path integral factorises, give rise to field theoretic superselection sectors and replace the α\alpha states.Comment: 10 pages; Extended version of an essay written for the Gravity Research Foundation 2022 Awards for Essays on Gravitatio

    Charged particle scattering near the horizon

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    We study Maxwell theory, in the presence of charged scalar sources, near the black hole horizon in a partial wave basis. We derive the gauge field configuration that solves Maxwell equations in the near-horizon region of a Schwarzschild black hole when sourced by a charge density of a localised charged particle. This is the electromagnetic analog of the gravitational Dray-'t Hooft shockwave near the horizon. We explicitly calculate the S-matrix associated with this shockwave in the first quantised 111\rightarrow 1 formalism. We develop a theory for scalar QED near the horizon using which we compute the electromagnetic eikonal S-matrix from elastic 222\rightarrow 2 scattering of charged particles exchanging soft photons in the black hole eikonal limit. The resulting ladder resummation agrees perfectly with the result from the first quantised formalism, whereas the field-theoretic formulation allows for a computation of a wider range of amplitudes. As a demonstration, we explicitly compute sub-leading corrections that arise from four-vertices.Comment: 23 pages + appendices. v2: typos corrected, some clarifications added. v3: fixed an incorrect Feynman diagra

    Modular bootstrap for D4-D2-D0 indices on compact Calabi-Yau threefolds

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    We investigate the modularity constraints on the generating series hr(τ)h_r(\tau) of BPS indices counting D4-D2-D0 bound states with fixed D4-brane charge rr in type IIA string theory compactified on complete Intersection Calabi-Yau threefolds with b2=1b_2 = 1. For unit D4-brane, h1h_1 transforms as a (vector-valued) modular form under the action of SL(2,Z)SL(2,Z) and thus is completely determined by its polar terms. We propose an Ansatz for these terms in terms of rank 1 Donaldson-Thomas invariants, which incorporates contributions from a single D6-anti-D6 pair. Using an explicit overcomplete basis of the relevant space of weakly holomorphic modular forms (valid for any rr), we find that for 10 of the 13 allowed threefolds, the Ansatz leads to a solution for h1h_1 with integer Fourier coefficients, thereby predicting an infinite series of DT invariants.For r>1r > 1, hrh_r is mock modular and determined by its polar part together with its shadow. Restricting to r=2r = 2, we use the generating series of Hurwitz class numbers to construct a series h2anh^{\rm an}_2 with exactly the same modular anomaly as h2h_2, so that the difference h2h2anh_{2}-h^{\rm an}_2 is an ordinary modular form fixed by its polar terms. For lack of a satisfactory Ansatz, we leave the determination of these polar terms as an open problem.Comment: 44 pages; a Mathematica notebook is provided as an ancillary fil

    Soft graviton exchange and the information paradox

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    We show that there is a remarkable soft limit in quantum gravity where the information paradox is readily resolved due to virtual soft graviton exchange on the black hole horizon. This regime is where collision energies satisfy sγMPl\sqrt{s}\gg \gamma M_{Pl} (with γMPl/MBH\gamma \sim M_{Pl}/M_{BH}) near the horizon. We call this the black hole eikonal phase, in contrast to its flat space analogue where collisions are trans-Planckian. Hawking's geometric optics approximation neglects gravitational interactions near the horizon, and results in thermal occupation numbers in the Bogoliubov coefficients. We show that these interactions are mediated by graviton exchange in 222 \rightarrow 2 scattering near the horizon, and explicitly calculate the S-matrix non-perturbatively in MPl/MBHM_{Pl}/M_{BH} and \hbar. This involves a re-summation of infinitely many ladder diagrams near the horizon, all mediated by virtual soft gravitons. The S-matrix turns out to be a pure phase \textit{only} upon this re-summation. The impact parameter bb satisfies LPlbRSL_{Pl}\ll b \lesssim R_S, where RSR_S is the Schwarzschild radius; therefore, our results are agnostic of Planckian physics. Our calculation shows that non-renormalisability of gravity is irrelevant for a resolution of the information problem, and is agnostic of any specific ultraviolet completion. In contrast to the flat space eikonal limit, the black hole eikonal phase involves collisions of extremely low energy near the horizon, thereby avoiding firewalls for black holes much larger than Planck size

    Quantum gravity on the black hole horizon

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    We study scattering on the black hole horizon in a partial wave basis, with an impact parameter of the order of the Schwarzschild radius or less. This resembles the strong gravity regime where quantum gravitational effects appear. The scattering is governed by an infinite number of virtual gravitons exchanged on the horizon. Remarkably, they can all be summed non-perturbatively in \hbar and γMPl/MBH\gamma \sim M_{Pl}/M_{BH}. These results generalise those obtained from studying gravitational backreaction. Unlike in the eikonal calculations in flat space, the relevant centre of mass energy of the collisions is not necessarily Planckian; instead it is easily satisfied, sγ2MPl2s \gg \gamma^2 M^2_{Pl}, for semi-classical black holes. Therefore, infalling observers experience no firewalls. The calculation lends further support to the scattering matrix approach to quantum black holes, and is a second-quantised generalisation of the same